När Chiara började sin träningsresa med oss i höstas var målet först att bli snabbare på korta distanser och sen på längre sikt träna för att springa en mara. Men efter att ha upplevt hur behaglig zon 2 träning kan vara och ha börjat träna med sina ultravänner frågade Chiara om det skulle vara möjligt att på kort tid förbereda sig för Ultralöpning istället 😃

Hennes coach Sofie Bondeson justerade programmet Chiara fick som Aktivitus Membership för att på ett så skonsamt sätt som möjligt träna för att klara en lång dag på fötterna och tillsammans la de också fokus på andra faktorer som blir viktiga i en ultra som mental inställning, nutrition och racestrategi. Chiara förberedde sig mycket mentalt och såg sig själv springa loppet, vare sig i sol eller kallt väder med ett leende och med fokus på att njuta av upplevelsen snarare än antalet kilometer som skulle bockas av 🥰

Chiara berättar efteråt att loppet absolut var tufft och det fanns tunga stunder men hon påminde sig om hur fantastiskt det är att få vara i naturen och hur underbart det skulle bli att få springa genom mållinjen. Och det fick hon! 🎉

– Stort grattis Chiara till en fantastisk prestation! How come you wanted to run an ultra? 

I like the idea of pushing myself out of my comfort zone and I always wanted to try long distances. The strange fact is that up until 4 months ago I thought I could never train for a marathon, so it was superrewarding to finish an ultra instead!

-How did your training help you prepare for the race?

Having a schedule as a basic orientation for my training increadibly helped to keep my motivation up even in moments where I felt tired or I would have otherwise found excuses to skip a training session. Talking to you was especially nice and motivating!

-How was the race experience? What were the highs? How did you combat any potential lows?

The race was just amazing! In the days before I tried to come up with mental tricks to help me through thoughts such as ”60k is long, I would never finish it”. I decided to think about enjoying hour after hour, more than the mileage itself.
I visualized myself going through the path in a nice sunny day or in cold weather, but always with a smile on my face. I told myself that it might be hard at times, but I was going to finish it, (almost) no matter what. The satisfaction of accomplish that would pay off the pain and the effort for sure. And it did!
It helped a lot to have a friend to share the experience as well! We helped each other before and during the race exchanging tips and feelings.
There were moments though in which the time seemed to never pass and the km never increase or my brain was trying to focus on the sore legs and ligaments, but I pushed myself through reminding myself to enjoy those moments immersed in nature and that when the finish line would be in sight all of this would be worth.
I think my head this most of the work in some sense, to be honest!

-How have Aktivitus helped you on your way to this goal?

I would have never had the resolution to do it if I would have not talked to a coach and have a schedule. I am not sooo self-disciplined and I am enjoying talking to experts to know more about something that I am passionate about.


Sofie Bondesson, löpcoach

Coach: Sofie Bondeson
Tjänst: Aktivitus Membership

Foto: Printbild